According to the affidavit, the investigation included the co-operation of authorities in Canada, France and Germany.
As for code, the LOIC DDoS software believed to be used by Operation Anonymous remain available on the social code site Github and on SourceForge. Thousands of people have downloaded it from those sites. The software allegedly makes it easy for a user to donate their computer's bandwidth to repeatedly messaging a target server until it is rendered inaccessible by other users.
The ephemeral group Anonymous, or Operation Payback, co-ordinated a series of such attacks earlier this month against Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and others. These global leaders in money transfer were criticized for preventing their customers from donating money to the controversial website Wikileaks, despite the site having been convicted of no crimes.
Clearly a sufficient number of people in the FBI believe the denial of service attacks may constitute felony-level damage to computer systems, but others have argued that the campaign falls broadly within the tradition of non-violent civil disobedience and political protest.
FBI Agent Allyn Lynd, whom The Smoking Gun reports signed the affidavit, has been in the technology news media before. He lead a 2009 raid on at least two Texas web hosts over an alleged federal crime concerning unpaid bills to AT&T and Verizon. Those raids disrupted a number of co-located but unrelated businesses, including some that allege the disruption cost them millions of dollars.
In this latest affidavit, Lynd argued again that he may need to disrupt some other servers temporarily in order to achieve his goal of determining which servers were relevant to his investigation. Due to the document's incomplete publication, whether any sense of irony was appreciated is unclear.
No information has been made available to date regarding any FBI or other law enforcement investigation of the denial of service and other technical attacks made against the Wikileaks website.
Treason Within NASA
From Yid With Lid
NASA’s Climate Guru James Hansen Says China Should Lead Economic Boycott of US
by Jeff Dunetz
James Hansen of NASA is not just any global warming Moonbat, he is Al Gore’s official global warming Moonbat. It was Hansen’s data that was used in Gore’s Oscar/Peace prize winning film. Hansen’s work is ruled by one motto: “If God deals you bad numbers–fudge them.” This guy has been caught with more phony numbers than Al Capone’s CPA.
Knowing that he cannot prove his global warming hoax, Hansen has a new model, he believes that “climate protection” laws should be imposed on Americans the same way things are imposed in his new favorite kind of government, a Chinese-Style Dictatorship. As reported in the Washington Times:
The nation’s most prominent publicly funded climatologist is officially angry about this, blaming democracy and citing the Chinese government as the “best hope” to save the world from global warming. He also wants an economic boycott of the U.S. sufficient to bend us to China’s will.
Maybe it’s me, but it doesn’t seem right that a guy who makes a living on the government dime is calling for an economic boycott of the country that pays his salary.
According to Mr. Hansen, compared to China, we are “the barbarians” with a “fossil-money- ‘democracy’ that now rules the roost,” making it impossible to legislate effectively on climate change. Unlike us, the Chinese are enlightened, unfettered by pesky elections. Here’s what he blogged on Nov. 24:
“I have the impression that Chinese leadership takes a long view, perhaps because of the long history of their culture, in contrast to the West with its short election cycles. At the same time, China has the capacity to implement policy decisions rapidly. The leaders seem to seek the best technical information and do not brand as a hoax that which is inconvenient.”
… If Hansen worked for the Chinese Government and called for an economic boycott of his country, he would never be seen alive again. [snip]
I am not an attorney, but allow me to suggest that the technical term for someone who goes to a different country and calls for that country to wage an economic boycott of his homeland is treason. [snip]
Read the rest here.
I am more than sad that this man has anything to do with NASA; a once proud and truly American institution. The glory days are a memory. This not only makes me sad – I am angry that NASA has become a joke. This one touches home for me. I lived through the ‘space race’ and all the advances we enjoy because of the exploration of space. NASA was exceptional, just like the United States of America. As a kid, I dreamed of being an astronaut and astronomer. NASA meant potential.
Now look what the progressives have done. This is the same thing they are doing to all of America.
UPDATE: Here is a very short list of NASA developments that have spun off into every-day life:
Dustbuster, shock-absorbing helmets, home security systems, smoke detectors, flat panel televisions, high-density batteries, trash compactors, food packaging and freeze-dried technology, cool sportswear, sports bras, hair styling appliances, fogless ski goggles, self-adjusting sunglasses, composite golf clubs, hang gliders, art preservation, and quartz crystal timing equipment, environmental analysis, noise abatement, pollution measuring devices, pollution control devices, smokestack monitor, radioactive leak detector, earthquake prediction system, sewage treatment, energy saving air conditioning, and air purification, arteriosclerosis detection, ultrasound scanners, automatic insulin pump, portable x-ray device, invisible braces, dental arch wire, palate surgery technology, clean room apparel, implantable heart aid, MRI, bone analyzer, and cataract surgery tools. gasoline vapor recovery, self-locking fasteners, machine tool software, laser wire stripper, lubricant coating process, wireless communications, engine coatings, and engine design, storm warning services (Doppler radar), firefighters’ radios, lead poison detection, fire detector, flame detector, corrosion protection coating, protective clothing, and robotic hands, safer bridges, emission testing, airline wheelchairs, electric car, auto design, methane-powered vehicles, windshear prediction, and aircraft design analysis.
See a larger (yet still not complete) list here.
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