Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Money Quickly

deadbeat Donald Trump is getting a lot of attention by arguing
for a trade war with China, but his strategy sounds mighty
familiar. The Donald, whose ability to draw
credulous media coverage is matched only by his ability to

destroy the wealth of his investors, isn't opposed to the
Asiatic hordes; he's just aware of them, and has been for more than
two decades, since the heady days when Trump was on his first wife
and America was on its first Oriental trade nemesis.

Here's how the
short-fingered vulgarian described
the threat to Stuart Varney a few months back:

Can you imagine Ronald Reagan making that statement? Can you
imagine almost any president making that statement?

China is succeeding. They are rebuilding their country off our
money. I mean, they're -- we are making so many products in China,
paying China so much money for those products, that you go to these
Chinese cities, they are rebuilding cities and they're building new
cities that are bigger than any of our cities.

It's absolutely insane to have made that statement.

VARNEY: But -- so what are you going to do about this? Obviously
we have got a trade problem with China, but we have got news today
that GE is getting a $2 billion investment out of China, and news
also today that Saginaw, Michigan, is now -- China is the
number-one employer in Saginaw, Michigan.

I mean, what...

TRUMP: Sure. That is a tiny, little place that is wonderful, but
they are using that just to show how nice they are, when, in fact,
they are not looking for our good.

And they shouldn't be. They should be looking for their

VARNEY: What do we do about it?

TRUMP: And they have people that are very, very smart.

What I would do?


TRUMP: You have such a huge deficit with -- trade deficit with
China. Their currency is artificially low. And, see, we have fallen
into the Chinese trap. We are now destroying the dollar in order to
try and compete with them. We shouldn't be doing that. We should be
keeping the dollar strong and stable and we should tax Chinese

And the people that talk about free trade, we don't have free --
I am a big free trade believer, by the way -- but we don't have
free trade with China.

China is, literally, going to destroy this company -- this
country. If we don't get smart quickly, China will destroy our

VARNEY: Now...

TRUMP: And they will do it with a smile. And our people have no
idea what is happening.

Since then, Trump has
doubled down on the China warnings, recently
telling Larry Kudlow that the issue has become so serious he's
considering a presidential campaign: "For the first time, I’m
seriously thinking about doing it," Trump said. "If I did it, and
if I win, we will be respected again."

But if you've been asleep since the late 1980s (you didn't miss
much), you might be confused to hear The Donald attacking the wrong
country. In that less thought-tormented age -- when America was
staggering from a recession said to be the worst since the 1930s,
the Trump empire was a broken field of bad debts and bankruptcies,
and the mores of the inscrutable east were celebrated
in verse and song -- the threat to America's existence was not
China but Japan. Trump
wanted everybody to know it. The situation was so dire he
was even considering running for president.
From a
1990 Playboy interview:

We Americans are laughed at around the world for losing a
hundred and fifty billion dollars year after year, for defending
wealthy nations for nothing, nations that would be wiped off the
face of the earth in about fifteen minutes if it weren't for us.
Our "allies" are making billions screwing us.

PLAYBOY: How do you feel about Japan's economic

TRUMP: Japan gets almost seventy percent of its oil from the
Persian Gulf, relies on ships led back home by our destroyers,
battleships, helicopters, frog men. Then the Japanese sail home,
where they give the oil to fuel their factories so that they can
knock the hell out of General Motors, Chrysler and Ford. Their
openly screwing us is a disgrace. Why aren't they paying us? The
Japanese cajole us, they bow to us, they tell us how great we are
and then they pick our pockets. We're losing hundreds of billions
of dollars a year while they laugh at our stupidity.

The Japanese have their great scientists making cars and VCRs and
we have our great scientists making missiles so we can defend
Japan. Why aren't we being reimbursed for our costs? The Japanese
double-screw the U.S., a real trick: First they take all our money
with their consumer goods, then they put it back in buying all of
Manhattan. So either way, we lose.

PLAYBOY: You're opposed to Japanese buying real estate in

TRUMP: I have great respect for the Japanese people and list
many of them as great friends. But, hey, if you want to open up a
business in Japan, good luck. It's virtually impossible. But the
Japanese can buy our buildings, our Wall Street firms, and there's
virtually nothing to stop them. In fact, bidding on a building in
New York is an act of futility, because the Japanese will pay more
than it's worth just to screw us. They want to own Manhattan.

Of course, I shouldn't even be complaining about it, because I'm
one of the big beneficiaries of it. If I ever wanted to sell any of
my properties, I'd have a field day. But it's an embarrassment! I
give great credit to the Japanese and their leaders, because they
have made our leaders look totally second rate.

PLAYBOY: A group of Japanese visitors to New York was recently
asked if there were anything in the U.S. they would like to buy.
The answer: towels.

TRUMP: That's fair trade: They'll take the towels and we'll buy
their cars. It doesn't sound like a good deal to me. They have
totally outsmarted the American politician; they have no respect
for us, because they're getting a free ride. Of course, it's not
just the Japanese or the Europeans—the Saudis, the Kuwaitis walk
all over us.

Back then, Trump had reasons to
oppose the Japanese. A mysterious Mr. Ito had beaten him in an

auction of Sam’s piano and the legendary high roller
Akio Kashiwagi died owing him a boatload of yen.

what's his beef with China? Is it the ancient
Chinese secret of trying to depreciate the national currency?
Everybody does that; why unleash
Chang on China?

In any event, the similarities in his complaints are striking --
from the he-man obsession with our country's not appearing tough
enough to the Hawley-Smoot plan to restore prosperity through
tariffs to the "I'm a free trader, but..." phrasing.

Then as now the xenophobia of Trump and others had a mirror in
the Asiaphilic stylings of liberals. During the eighties,
well-thinking people were sure America needed to copy Japan's
vertical integration and workplace calisthenics. Today, old China
hands like Nicholas Kristof and Thomas L. Friedman covet China's
autocratic environmental policies and one-child civic sensibility.
In many ways Trump's straightforward Yellow
Peril demagoguery is less creepy than its enlightened liberal
counterpart. And don't forget that while the Obama Administration
may not be macho enough for Trump, it's done a pretty good job of
the trade war started.

Yesterday's announcement that Google's Eric Schmidt will be handing the CEO reins back to co-founder Larry Page came as a shock, but with the company's aura of invincibility fading, and its core business showing signs of age, the time was right for a change. There was "an example every hour," of how triumvirate decision-making by Schmidt, Page, and co-founder Segrey Brin was hurting the company, Schmidt said. If Google wants to assure investors and consumers that rumors of its looming insignificance have been greatly exaggerated, there are a few key things that Larry has to do.

No. 1: Fix Search

Google's cash cow is its online-search advertising business, but the search results are starting to look awfully spammy. Between content farms that flood the Internet with meaningless search bait and black hat optimizers that use sleazy tricks to get top results, there are entire industries devoted to gaming Google's algorithms.

People who depend on Google for their livelihood have started to notice, and consumers are showing signs of getting antsy: There is a reason Microsoft's Bing quickly picked up 12 percent of the search market, and it's not because of its Gossip Girl product placements, or even vastly superior search results. Google has also drawn some ill will with an aggressive, some say illegal, tendency to push its own services to the top of the page.

It looks like Larry gets the seriousness of the problem. Friday, on day one of his regime, Google acknowledged the issue in a blog post, even as it downplayed its severity. "Reading through some of these recent articles, you might ask whether our search quality has gotten worse," said principal engineer Matt Cutts. "The fact is that we’re not perfect, and combined with users’ skyrocketing expectations of Google, these imperfections get magnified in perception. However, we can and should do better."

It will take more than a wonky breakdown, but it's a start.

No. 2: Find Growth

The aforementioned cash cow is still so lucrative that it's easy to forget that Google has never really succeeded in any other business. Despite the ubiquity of Gmail and YouTube, they are not yet successful stand-alone businesses. YouTube only recently made it into the black after incurring hundreds of million of dollars in losses over the years.

It's not like Google isn't aware of the problem. Witness the frenzied diversification into anything that looks hot: cars that drives themselves, social networks, and yesterday's long-expected news of a Groupon clone. But trying everything hasn't produced much of anything.

Larry needs to ditch the side projects and focus on the most promising ones: the Android mobile-phone operating system, and the mobile ad network AdMob, which even makes money from iPhones as it serves up 2 billion ads a day.

No. 3: Stop the Brain Drain

Here's an enigma for Larry to unravel: Why does a company with five-star chefs, high-tech nap pods, and free massages have to throw millions of dollars in cash money at employees to get them to stay?

Part of the problem is Google's convoluted management structure, which Page is clearly trying to fix. If a team has been working on an amazing project for a year, only to hear that it overlaps with someone else's pet project, who wouldn't want to jump ship? But it also has to do with Google's size and a potentially fatal inability to face up to an unpleasant reality. From what we hear, there's reluctance from some of the old guard to accept that Google is a massive corporation now.

There is a major intangible at play as well, something that may not be easy for someone who is more Chief Engineer than Chief Executive to grapple with. If the ambitious go-getters that make it through Google's onerous interview process sense that the cool, sexy projects are happening at Facebook, Apple, or some stealth VC project with no name, then no amount of money is going to keep them on side, no matter how big a money truck Google backs up to their cubicle.

Which leads to....

No. 4: Consider a Personality Transplant

Tech bloggers were smitten with Eric Schmidt, but for all the wrong reasons. Sure, he grew Google into a $200 billion behemoth, but he also had a weakness for creepy Big Brother jokes delivered so dryly that no one could be sure he was joking. Contrast that with the controlling and charismatic Steve Jobs, surely one of the best salesmen in modern history, with a reality distortion field that may have made enemies but also bestowed an ineffable cool on his entire company.

Larry, by all accounts, makes Eric Schmidt look like Steve Jobs.

Ken Auletta explains:

He is a very private man, who often in meetings looks down at his hand-held Android device, who is not a comfortable public speaker, who hates to have a regimented schedule, who thinks it is an inefficient use of his time to invest too much of it in meetings with journalists or analysts or governments. As C.E.O., the private man will have to become more public.

Google's engineer-driven approach to new products has been a long-standing problem. (Google Wave, anybody?) Unlike Apple, it seems to build for engineers and developers, not consumers. That's great when you're making an open source mobile platform like Android, which is hot on the iPhone's tail due to its openness and potential ubiquity across multiple carriers and devices. It's not so great when you made everyone on Gmail opt into Google Buzz ’ or for creating fanboys and girls who want to use your products, even if they have to anyway.

Either way, Larry, you're going to need some charm to lend Google the same cool factor it had last time you were in charge. Maybe start by looking up from your Android phone every once in a while.



















Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

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Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.


Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.


Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.


Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.


Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.


Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

Sleep Makes The Memory - Science <b>News</b>

Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.



Small Business <b>News</b>: Doing Business With the World

Why settle for your local market when you could be doing business with the world. A survey shows small business owners are already moving in this direction at.

Ongo <b>News</b> app coming to iPad

It's a collaboration between The New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today and others to provide a subscription news service for US$6.99 a month. The aim is to provide readers with the best of those papers and other media outlets ...

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Napping while reliving memories stabilizes people's ability to recall them later.

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

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iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

eric seiger
eric seiger

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: Crisis was <b>...</b>

While this doesn't come as much of a shock to anyone who lives outside of the Washington bubble, it may be big news inside the bubble. Of course it was avoidable and of course both Democrats and Republicans deserve plenty of blame. ...


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the SpeechTrans adds Facebook Voice Translation Chat. Find more Apps + Games news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

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Best Mobile Personal Finance Tool?

Earlier this year we took a look at best money management web sites, but often, tracking money on-the-go is just as important. What's your favorite tool for managing your money on the go?

Photo by Erik Hersman.

Whether you're using a mobile-optimized web site or an application specific to the iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and so on, we want to hear from you. What mobile money management tool makes it easy to manage your money when you're away from your computer?

Hive Five nominations take place in the comments, where you post your favorite tool for the job. We get hundreds of comments, so to make your nomination clear, please include it at the top of your comment like so: VOTE: Mobile Personal Finance Tool. Please don't include your vote in a reply to another commenter. Instead, make your vote and reply separate comments. If you don't follow this format, we may not count your vote. To prevent tampering with the results, votes from first-time commenters may not be counted. After you've made your nomination, let us know what makes it stand out from the competition.

About the Hive Five: The Hive Five feature series asks readers to answer the most frequently asked question we get: "Which tool is the best?" Once a week we'll put out a call for contenders looking for the best solution to a certain problem, then YOU tell us your favorite tools to get the job done. Every weekend, we'll report back with the top five recommendations and give you a chance to vote on which is best. For an example, check out last week's Five Best Resources for Free Games.

Send an email to Jason Fitzpatrick, the author of this post, at

What happened after she resign? Her supervisor was sacked for poor work performance.

This happened again and again. It has nothing to do with her work performance. It has to do with her career luck. It seems that others have good luck in their career, but she has very bad luck.

Some people have all the good luck in the career.

Their business proposals happen to land on the desk of the top management because their immediate boss happens to take leave during the period.

They get the job in the company at the time when business is booming, and the company gives out record high bonus.

They leave the company and the industry before the industry downturn.

What about you? Do you have good luck in your career?

About me:

Scheng1 is a passionate blogger from Singapore.

Rich in every sense reveals my deep desire in enjoying life, and be rich in every possible ways. Personal Finance

is about money, from making money to investing money

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DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

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Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

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4 Detroit Police Officers Shot; Gunman Dead - Detroit Local <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

DETROIT -- Four Detroit police officers, including a commander, were shot Sunday afternoon inside a station in the department's Northwest District. Monday, January 24, 2011.

Transfer <b>news</b>: Liverpool step up pursuit of Ajax star Luis Suarez <b>...</b>

Liverpool step up Suarez pursuit, Real Madrid eye Benzema swap deal for Drogba and Sunderland plot bid for West Ham striker.

Tucson Hero to Sit With Michelle Obama at State of the Union on <b>...</b>

Polson Kanneth reports: Daniel Hernandez Jr., one of the heroes of the mass shooting in Tucson, Ariz., two weeks ago, tells ABC News that he will be sitting, along with his father, Daniel Hernandez Sr., with Michelle Obama at the.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making Money Software

According to the affidavit, the investigation included the co-operation of authorities in Canada, France and Germany.

As for code, the LOIC DDoS software believed to be used by Operation Anonymous remain available on the social code site Github and on SourceForge. Thousands of people have downloaded it from those sites. The software allegedly makes it easy for a user to donate their computer's bandwidth to repeatedly messaging a target server until it is rendered inaccessible by other users.

The ephemeral group Anonymous, or Operation Payback, co-ordinated a series of such attacks earlier this month against Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and others. These global leaders in money transfer were criticized for preventing their customers from donating money to the controversial website Wikileaks, despite the site having been convicted of no crimes.

Clearly a sufficient number of people in the FBI believe the denial of service attacks may constitute felony-level damage to computer systems, but others have argued that the campaign falls broadly within the tradition of non-violent civil disobedience and political protest.

FBI Agent Allyn Lynd, whom The Smoking Gun reports signed the affidavit, has been in the technology news media before. He lead a 2009 raid on at least two Texas web hosts over an alleged federal crime concerning unpaid bills to AT&T and Verizon. Those raids disrupted a number of co-located but unrelated businesses, including some that allege the disruption cost them millions of dollars.

In this latest affidavit, Lynd argued again that he may need to disrupt some other servers temporarily in order to achieve his goal of determining which servers were relevant to his investigation. Due to the document's incomplete publication, whether any sense of irony was appreciated is unclear.

No information has been made available to date regarding any FBI or other law enforcement investigation of the denial of service and other technical attacks made against the Wikileaks website.

Treason Within NASA

Home - by Claudia - January 18, 2011 - 14:30 UTC - 24 Comments

From Yid With Lid

NASA’s Climate Guru James Hansen Says China Should Lead Economic Boycott of US

by Jeff Dunetz

James Hansen of NASA is not just any global warming Moonbat, he is Al Gore’s official global warming Moonbat. It was Hansen’s data that was used in Gore’s Oscar/Peace prize winning film. Hansen’s work is ruled by one motto: “If God deals you bad numbers–fudge them.” This guy has been caught with more phony numbers than Al Capone’s CPA.

Knowing that he cannot prove his global warming hoax, Hansen has a new model, he believes that “climate protection” laws should be imposed on Americans the same way things are imposed in his new favorite kind of government, a Chinese-Style Dictatorship. As reported in the Washington Times:

The nation’s most prominent publicly funded climatologist is officially angry about this, blaming democracy and citing the Chinese government as the “best hope” to save the world from global warming. He also wants an economic boycott of the U.S. sufficient to bend us to China’s will.

Maybe it’s me, but it doesn’t seem right that a guy who makes a living on the government dime is calling for an economic boycott of the country that pays his salary.

According to Mr. Hansen, compared to China, we are “the barbarians” with a “fossil-money- ‘democracy’ that now rules the roost,” making it impossible to legislate effectively on climate change. Unlike us, the Chinese are enlightened, unfettered by pesky elections. Here’s what he blogged on Nov. 24:

“I have the impression that Chinese leadership takes a long view, perhaps because of the long history of their culture, in contrast to the West with its short election cycles. At the same time, China has the capacity to implement policy decisions rapidly. The leaders seem to seek the best technical information and do not brand as a hoax that which is inconvenient.”

… If Hansen worked for the Chinese Government and called for an economic boycott of his country, he would never be seen alive again. [snip]

I am not an attorney, but allow me to suggest that the technical term for someone who goes to a different country and calls for that country to wage an economic boycott of his homeland is treason. [snip]

Read the rest here.

I am more than sad that this man has anything to do with NASA; a once proud and truly American institution. The glory days are a memory. This not only makes me sad – I am angry that NASA has become a joke. This one touches home for me. I lived through the ‘space race’ and all the advances we enjoy because of the exploration of space. NASA was exceptional, just like the United States of America. As a kid, I dreamed of being an astronaut and astronomer. NASA meant potential.

Now look what the progressives have done. This is the same thing they are doing to all of America.

UPDATE: Here is a very short list of NASA developments that have spun off into every-day life:

Dustbuster, shock-absorbing helmets, home security systems, smoke detectors, flat panel televisions, high-density batteries, trash compactors, food packaging and freeze-dried technology, cool sportswear, sports bras, hair styling appliances, fogless ski goggles, self-adjusting sunglasses, composite golf clubs, hang gliders, art preservation, and quartz crystal timing equipment, environmental analysis, noise abatement, pollution measuring devices, pollution control devices, smokestack monitor, radioactive leak detector, earthquake prediction system, sewage treatment, energy saving air conditioning, and air purification, arteriosclerosis detection, ultrasound scanners, automatic insulin pump, portable x-ray device, invisible braces, dental arch wire, palate surgery technology, clean room apparel, implantable heart aid, MRI, bone analyzer, and cataract surgery tools. gasoline vapor recovery, self-locking fasteners, machine tool software, laser wire stripper, lubricant coating process, wireless communications, engine coatings, and engine design, storm warning services (Doppler radar), firefighters’ radios, lead poison detection, fire detector, flame detector, corrosion protection coating, protective clothing, and robotic hands, safer bridges, emission testing, airline wheelchairs, electric car, auto design, methane-powered vehicles, windshear prediction, and aircraft design analysis.

See a larger (yet still not complete) list here.


Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Feline Jury Duty - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Feline Jury Duty.

Shelf Life: Broadcast <b>News</b> - The Moviefone Blog

Although almost no one saw it, James L. Brooks released a film in December. Its name was 'How Do You Know,' and it disappeared after just a week or two.

Movie <b>News</b> Quick Hits: First &#39;Spider-Man&#39; Action Shots and More <b>...</b>

Darth Vader's other son from another mother [via GeekTyrant]-- A simple post on the official Tumblr for Rian Johnson's time travel movie 'Looper'

Friday, January 14, 2011

Ways of Making Money

Everyone wants to know the secrets of the YouTube stars—how did they make successful careers out of YouTube, how do they make money and what advice do they have for hopefuls looking to follow in their footsteps?  Tubefilter’s ‘Secrets if YouTube Superstars’ panel at CES shed some light on these questions. Tubefilter’s editor and co-founder, Marc Hustvedt, moderated the panel, which was made up of YouTube megastars iJustine, Joe Penna (aka MysteryGuitarMan), Phil DeFranco, Freddie Wong and Brandon Laatsch.

You can watch the full thirty-seven minute panel in the video below, but I’d like to take a little time to recap some of the most interesting points that were brought up.  I think that Hustvedt asked great questions, leading the panelists to shed some very interesting light on the world of YouTube as a business.

Putting In The Work

I think that the most important thing that can be gleaned from the ‘Secrets Of The YouTube Stars’ CES panel is that you can’t go anywhere on YouTube without putting in lots and lots and lots of work.  There was a general consensus that these guys work an average of about 80 hours a week.  That’s an average of about 11.5 hours a day with no weekend!  And these guys have already made their YouTube channels a success, so just imagine how much work goes in to making a name for yourself when you’re starting out at the bottom.

iJustine says, “This is our life.  Every second of the day you’re working, essentially.  If you’re not posting videos you’re still tweeting, your updating Facebook or you’re updating all these social networks to tie back to your videos and keep people updated on what you’re doing.”  YouTube stars never sleep—it’s a 24/7 job.  Brandon Laatsch says, “We’ve pulled more all nighters in the last year than we did all throughout college.”  But what’s important to note is that these guys love their job.  If you have the passion and the drive, and you’re willing to put in the hours it can be incredibly rewarding.

Bringing Home The Bacon

The question on everyone’s mind is, how do YouTube stars make money?  The panelists are all paying the bills with money they make from YouTube videos, but how do they do it?

Joe Penna explains the two major ways that YouTube stars make money, in addition to the revenue that they earn through YouTube advertising.  One of these ways is through working with brands.  The other is through merchandising.

Penna, iJustine and DeFranco all have quite a lot of experience working with brands.  They seem to agree that working with brands is fantastic, as brands trust them to take creative control and allow them the budget to make bigger, better videos than they could otherwise.  Laatsch also pointed out that over the last year or so viewers have become a lot more accepting of brand deals.  At first there was a lot of name calling (i.e. “You’re a sell out!”), but now that viewers understand that this is what these guys are doing for a living they get that branding is a good thing as it enables them to make better videos.  All the YouTubers stressed that they incorporated branding into their videos in an unobtrusive way as to not freak their viewers out.

YouTube also helps with revenue through grant programs.  They helped DeFranco branch his single channel out into the six-channel DeFranco Inc. and they also sponsored Freddie and Brandon in a project in which they drove around in an RV for a month, making videos with their fans.


The most important thing that I think can be gleaned from this panel for wannabe YouTube stars is the importance of personality.  If you take a look at the top YouTube channels nearly all of them are supported by a personality.  MysteryGuitarMan makes music videos, but he’s sure to speak directly to his viewers in each and every one of his videos as well.  If you have a strong personality your viewers feel like they know you personally and this is one of the biggest keys to YouTube success.

DeFranco says that YouTube stars are different from television or movie stars because you may want to catch a glimpse of a television star but you’d like to sit and chat over a beer with a YouTube star.  You feel like you are friends with them, they influence you and they can’t wait for you to put out another video.

I’d also like to point out that this is fantastic for branding.  Brands can tap into an audience of millions when they turn to YouTube stars for promotional purposes and these millions trust these stars and are completely engaged and influenced by them.  This is much more direct and effective advertising that television advertising, and cheaper.  It’s a lot more bang for your buck!

Check out the full panel below to find out more from five of YouTube’s biggest stars.  What did you find most interesting about the panel?

So Christmas has been and gone. Are you now facing the New Year and wondering how you can keep up the Christmas spirit and goodwill for the coming year? Well, it certainly helps when you know how to do so for free from your own home.

There are so many simple ways to volunteer or donate to charity by giving up a small amount of your time or re-purposing some money you would normally have spent. So here’s a list of five of the best quick and easy ways to volunteer or donate to charity. Bookmark the list of charities and use it to do the rounds weekly!


This is a great concept — it’s a site which makes you think about how much money you waste on frivolous things. You nominate something which you will give up, say a lunch or newspapers for a month. Then you donate that same amount of money to feeding a hungry child.

Yes, you’re handing over money to charity, but it’s money you would have spent anyway. It’s also easy to share news of your donation with your friends via social networks, and hopefully convince a few of them to skip something for charity too.

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Free Rice

Free Rice has been around a while, but it’s so good it’s worth making sure it’s on this list. Play a simple, addictive trivia quiz and Free Rice will donate rice for each of your correct answers. This is a free and simple way to give whenever you have a free moment. Read more on FreeRice here.

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There are a number of things you can do using Causes, including raising awareness for your chosen charity and helping to raise funds for them. By far the easiest way to donate money with Causes is to set up a birthday or holiday fund. This way, instead of receiving presents from friends and family, you simply ask them to donate the money on your behalf. It takes about two minutes to set up, since you can log in with Facebook Connect – just choose the charity and you’re set!

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Charity Gifts

Here’s another easy way to spend your money on charity instead of something you were already going to pay for. Instead of giving gifts to your friends, give them the knowledge that you have donated to charity on their behalf. The Donation4Charity website searches all the big charity gifting sites (such as UNICEF, WWF and Oxfam) and lets you search the gifts according to how much money you have available to spend. Buy a goat for charity for about the same price as a modest gift!

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Spend 5-10 minutes donating your expertise to charity: Give website feedback, brainstorm fundraising ideas or help design an awareness campaign. This is what they need help with – if you can spend a few minutes working on it then you’ve made a difference to a real charity with just a moment of your time. Read more on Sparked here & get going!

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And many, many more!

There are so many great ways to donate your time to charity — the sites listed above are just a few. Here’s some more great articles which introduce many more you might like to try.

  • Introducing Jumo – The Social Network for Social Good
  • How To Easily Coordinate Volunteers Using Volunteer Spot
  • 5 Crowd Funding Websites To Support Your Favourite Charities, Bands & Projects
  • Find Volunteering Opportunities Near You with VolunteerMatch
  • 10 Search Engines To Help The Environment
  • 5 Cool Edutainment Games You Can Play and Also Donate To Charitable Causes
  • 5 Websites To Lend A Hand & Make A Difference To The World

What are your favourite sites for donating your time to charity? Do you appreciate charity gifts given on your behalf? Let us know in the comments!

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Bad <b>News</b>, About Virgin Mi-Fi and Verizon Upgrades -

Two announcements this week. Two big bummers. Two good things gone.

Dyane Jean François: Breaking <b>News</b>: The President Has Feelings?

It seems safe to say that as a political leader Barack Obama probably had an agenda to hit with his speech in Arizona. But what was in his heart? Well, we will never know .

Rupert Murdoch&#39;s <b>News</b> Corp In Talks To Buy Daughter Liz&#39;s Shine <b>...</b>

UPDATE: That's the word from UK news media. It's just one of a number of options being considered by Shine, one of the UK's and America's biggest independent production companies -- it bought Ben Silverman's Reveille -- and thought to ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Visualize This: Where the public gets its <b>news</b>

Perhaps the label should be something like “Percentage of respondents.” (The folks who collected the data allowed respondents to cite two “main” sources of news, which confused me.) I'll make the change. Thanks! ...

Dallas Cowboys Tidbits: Snacking On Cowboys <b>News</b> - Blogging The Boys

Get the latest roundup of Cowboys in the news. Dallas Cowboys Tidbits are for those that like to eat and run!

BillBoard - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Being Right or Making Money

The UAW, not content with bankrupting GM and Chrysler once, want a repeat performance. And with Bob King at the helm, and apparently done campaigning for world peace and praying at the US capitol, they may yet get the double double. But first, it's time to put on the sheep's clothing and pretend to be rational. From the Detroit Free Press: UAW reveals ideas to try to level playing field. By 'leveling the playing field', what they mean is putting a thumb on the scale to tip the balance in their favor, but such is establishment media and their newspeak.

The document, called “UAW Principles for Fair Union Elections,” outlines 11 ideals that are designed to level the playing field between the UAW and an employer during a union campaign and election.

....The principles include an agreement that the ability to join a union is a “fundamental human right.”
But opting out from being forced to join the union is not. The document with the 11 principles can be found at this link, but just check out #2 for one:

Employees must be free to exercise the right to join a union or refrain from joining a union in an atmosphere free of fear, coercion,intimidation or threats. There is no free choice if a worker is afraid of losing a job or losing benefits as a result of his or her choice, or is intimidated into making a choice not of one’s own making.

Luck's father, Oliver, says the decision was based purely on "staying in a place he loves, playing beside teammates he adores and getting the degree he covets." Perhaps, I can relate to Luck better than some because I have the perspective of a 19-year-old high school senior that wants nothing more than to be in college right now instead of high school.

Being a senior in high school is not a horrible experience by any means, but right now, if I could be anywhere I wanted, I would be a second-semester freshman in college. Maybe a lot of high school seniors say that, but I am in my 14th consecutive year at the same independent private school. I have gone to school with more or less the same people for that entire time. I am ready to change schools, take some new classes, meet new people, and leave home. So when Andrew Luck announced he wanted to stay at school instead of going pro, I totally understood how he felt. I wouldn't want to leave school either.

On another note, even though the current NFL Collective Bargaining situation reported influenced Luck's decision very little, it is still a major issue worth examining in the context of Luck's decision. A major crticism of Luck is that he will lose tens of millions of dollars for not turning pro.

On the surface, that is almost guaranteed to be true even if his draft stock doesn't go down at all, and he doesn't get hurt playing for Stanford next year or the year after that because the new CBA realistically has to have a rookie payscale, which would result in Luck receiving a significantly smaller salary than the one he would have gotten had he gone pro this year.

But a closer analysis of the broad financial picture reveals that Luck made a sensible decision that very few big-time college athletes are capable of making. Assuming Luck gets his architectural design degree, he will still be set up to make good money regardless of what happens to his football career.

If something bad happens, he has a college degree to fall back on. If he plays for 20 years and makes more money than most of us will see in our lives, then he will have options for a real job beyond football if he wants to leave. Most former players who don't want to coach or don't make good coaches and don't have enough education, end up on the street because they spend too much money during their playing careers. By getting a degree, Luck assures himself that he will not share that future.

Andrew Luck has the right ideas of how to build a successful future. The rest of the world of big-time college athletics should take notice. And his critics should think twice before saying anything.

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Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

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An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

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Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b> | Gabrielle Giffords | Sarah Palin | Mediaite

Fox News Hits 'Kill Switch' on Giffords Vigil as Mourner Says 'And I Say to You, Sarah Palin'

This Week&#39;s Health Industry <b>News</b> -

An F.D.A. panel considers what to do about menthol flavoring in cigarettes.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Masturbation Excuse FAIL - Epic Fail Funny <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Masturbation Excuse FAIL.