Saturday, November 27, 2010

Money Making Websites

Jimbo3 on November 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Let’s address your feeble strands.

Secondly, let’s remember the macro issues of ideology and of who values free speech and who vitiates it. The history of the Left is one of hostility to dissent. This is evident through every leftist movement, is plainly observable to any person with an able political consciousness walking the earth, and has been manifested in every Leftist regime in history through their inevitable criminalizations of dissent, from post-Revolution France to Soviet Russia to communist China to Cuba to Venezuela. Do you plan on contesting this?

Rove and Bush/Cheney essentially said that anyone in the US that didn’t support the war with Iraq was unpatriotic and a dangerous fool.

False. Here is what Cheney said:

“The suggestions that’s been made by some U.S. Senators that the President of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city.”

Here is what Bush said:

“It’s irresponsible to use politics. This is serious business making, winning this war, but it’s irresponsible to do what they’ve done.”

But what were “they” doing? They were alleging calculated lies to engage a war — to put US soldiers at risk for political purposes.

Why isn’t it within the president’s rights when accused of lying (directly accused by Howard Dean and Al Gore) to defend himself and his administration from lying? That’s also part of free speech.

He did not attempt to delegimitize the dissenters, but to counter the charges they made.

And even though he said this ONCE, even though he never accused critics of being unpatriotic, he took pains after his deliberately misinterpreted comments to qualify every speech on the war, and every point of exception to the criticism he received, to reaffirm the right of dissent. This rhetorical reaffirmation became a mantra by Bush for the rest of his presidency. Because he believed it. It is not something I’ve ever heard from Barack Obama. I have never heard him make a point to accept the legitimacy of dissent. Because he doesn’t. He doesn’t respect it or appreciate it as fundamental to freedom. He never has.

Furthermore, Bush consistently demonstrated decency in discourse and respect for his opponents, e.g., lavishing praise on Nancy Pelosi when she became House speaker, and refraining during his entire administration of singling out or even making an issue of his numberless slanderers. Bush served eight years under the most withering siege of personal attacks directed at any president in our history, including 78 studio-distributed anti-Bush and anti-war “documentaries” (the greatest flowering of dissent in American history) and also including several feature films calling for his assassination, along with a booming hate-Bush cottage industry on colleges and in the fringe media, but never reduced himself or the presidency to attacks against anybody or against the right of dissent. He never attacked MSNBC or Air America.

Rove played favorites with news reporters and television stations and newspapers, depending on whether he liked what they were writing.

So what?

Bush didn’t allow dissenters to attend many of his rallies when he was running for re-election.

Who does? Has any president in modern times invited hecklers to campaign rallies? This does not signifiy hostility to free speech, just an appreciation a certain campaign orderliness. The fact is, every time Bush addressed the media he was facing “dissenters.” Who among them was ever singled out had their taxes audited? Who among them, like Joe the Plumber, had their personal lives laid open on the op-ed pages of major newspapers just for asking an inconvenient question?

Cheney personally attacked several of his critics.

Name them. How were they “attacked”? But if so, good for him, because most were filthy liars like Joe Wilson and deserved being called out for who they were. That’s called free speech and the marketplace of competing speech. He never tried to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Cheney would not allow access to the records of people he met with to determine his proposed Energy Policies.

Cheney was vindicated on this as appropriate under Executive Privilege (which by the way, Obama has invoked more times now in two years than Bush-Cheney did in 8). Hillary Clinton, let’s remember, was fined $200,000 by Judge Lamberth for NEVER revealing the names from her Healthcare meetings.

Again, none of this has ANYTHING to do with suppressing the right to dissent.

Some of Bush’s early records have disappeared, including some of his arrest and service records. Shall I go on?

What? Yeah, sure, go on. If they’re as lame as these, we can all share a laugh.

Oh, and I didn’t see alot of people on the right defending the comments of Rick Sanchez of CNN. He said, correctly, that Jews “control” the networks (or something very similar).

Rick Sanchez is an idiot and made defamatory statements even he admitted. If people didn’t line up to defend idiocy they can hardly be accused of suppressing the right to speech or supporting institutional barriers and arbitrary authoritarian control over speech like the bill in question does. Sanchez can go write a book.

I’ll overlook your ugly comments about the “Jews.” The antisemitism of the Left is a whole other chapter in its sick history.

I don’t pat myself on the back. But you can take your “we’re equally guilty” charge and eat it. I’m not equally guilty. I’ve gone to the streets for freedom of speech, for Michael Moore and for Pat Robertson. I understand Voltaire’s maxim that mine is tied into yours (something the Left can’t understand simply because it cannot afford to — it cannot survive true “equality”).

The Left wears the blood of millions of deaths from the suppression of freedom, the blood of millions of dissenters who challenged that suppression. It seeks the same suppression now as it has throughout history. In America, its path is legislation. The police state follows.

Your sorry examples don’t come close to addressing the larger issues raised, and the great ideological Leftist drift toward the eclipse of freedom.

The Motorola DEFY has already shown it’s a decent swimmer, and now the Android smartphone has beached at Carphone Warehouse in the UK. As of today, the 3.7-inch handset is available free on new plans at £25 per month or higher.

Your money gets you a 5-megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash, MOTOBLUR and Motorola’s Crystal TALK PLUS DSP.

Press Release:




The Carphone Warehouse makes a big splash into the Android market with the new Motorola DEFY; a slim smartphone built to ‘defy’ the common causes of damage to mobile phones. Dust proof and water resistant, it provides protection from sudden rain showers, spilt drinks, or a sandy beach. The 3.7” high resolution touch screen display is large and resilient, with outstanding protection against scratch damage, resisting keys, pens and coins. This beautiful display also provides edge to edge views of favourite photos, videos and websites. CrystalTalk PLUS diminishes noisy environments with two microphones which filter out background noise and amplifies voice so you don’t have to shout. The smart battery profiles allow you to switch to battery saver mode and get more life out of your phone inbetween charges.

Motorola DEFY is perfect for web-browsing, gaming and movie-watching, due to the speedy processor, advanced browsing capabilities and large screen. The phone is also equipped with MOTOBLUR, which constantly streams all of the user’s texts, emails and social network updates straight to their homescreen, making it easier to manage contacts.

What’s more, DEFY is enabled to stream, store and share content with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible devices around the house, such as HDTVs, PCs and games consoles. This means that music, video and photos are wirelessly transferrable between DLNA devices, making life more streamlined. The 5-megapixel camera with flash, digital zoom and auto focus allows users to capture important occasions. For added entertainment, the Connected Music Player means that users can discover, buy and download their favourite music straight from the phone. Access to 100,000 apps, widgets and games from Android Market further enhances the choice of entertainment available on Motorola DEFY.


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Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


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Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


Jimbo3 on November 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Let’s address your feeble strands.

Secondly, let’s remember the macro issues of ideology and of who values free speech and who vitiates it. The history of the Left is one of hostility to dissent. This is evident through every leftist movement, is plainly observable to any person with an able political consciousness walking the earth, and has been manifested in every Leftist regime in history through their inevitable criminalizations of dissent, from post-Revolution France to Soviet Russia to communist China to Cuba to Venezuela. Do you plan on contesting this?

Rove and Bush/Cheney essentially said that anyone in the US that didn’t support the war with Iraq was unpatriotic and a dangerous fool.

False. Here is what Cheney said:

“The suggestions that’s been made by some U.S. Senators that the President of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city.”

Here is what Bush said:

“It’s irresponsible to use politics. This is serious business making, winning this war, but it’s irresponsible to do what they’ve done.”

But what were “they” doing? They were alleging calculated lies to engage a war — to put US soldiers at risk for political purposes.

Why isn’t it within the president’s rights when accused of lying (directly accused by Howard Dean and Al Gore) to defend himself and his administration from lying? That’s also part of free speech.

He did not attempt to delegimitize the dissenters, but to counter the charges they made.

And even though he said this ONCE, even though he never accused critics of being unpatriotic, he took pains after his deliberately misinterpreted comments to qualify every speech on the war, and every point of exception to the criticism he received, to reaffirm the right of dissent. This rhetorical reaffirmation became a mantra by Bush for the rest of his presidency. Because he believed it. It is not something I’ve ever heard from Barack Obama. I have never heard him make a point to accept the legitimacy of dissent. Because he doesn’t. He doesn’t respect it or appreciate it as fundamental to freedom. He never has.

Furthermore, Bush consistently demonstrated decency in discourse and respect for his opponents, e.g., lavishing praise on Nancy Pelosi when she became House speaker, and refraining during his entire administration of singling out or even making an issue of his numberless slanderers. Bush served eight years under the most withering siege of personal attacks directed at any president in our history, including 78 studio-distributed anti-Bush and anti-war “documentaries” (the greatest flowering of dissent in American history) and also including several feature films calling for his assassination, along with a booming hate-Bush cottage industry on colleges and in the fringe media, but never reduced himself or the presidency to attacks against anybody or against the right of dissent. He never attacked MSNBC or Air America.

Rove played favorites with news reporters and television stations and newspapers, depending on whether he liked what they were writing.

So what?

Bush didn’t allow dissenters to attend many of his rallies when he was running for re-election.

Who does? Has any president in modern times invited hecklers to campaign rallies? This does not signifiy hostility to free speech, just an appreciation a certain campaign orderliness. The fact is, every time Bush addressed the media he was facing “dissenters.” Who among them was ever singled out had their taxes audited? Who among them, like Joe the Plumber, had their personal lives laid open on the op-ed pages of major newspapers just for asking an inconvenient question?

Cheney personally attacked several of his critics.

Name them. How were they “attacked”? But if so, good for him, because most were filthy liars like Joe Wilson and deserved being called out for who they were. That’s called free speech and the marketplace of competing speech. He never tried to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Cheney would not allow access to the records of people he met with to determine his proposed Energy Policies.

Cheney was vindicated on this as appropriate under Executive Privilege (which by the way, Obama has invoked more times now in two years than Bush-Cheney did in 8). Hillary Clinton, let’s remember, was fined $200,000 by Judge Lamberth for NEVER revealing the names from her Healthcare meetings.

Again, none of this has ANYTHING to do with suppressing the right to dissent.

Some of Bush’s early records have disappeared, including some of his arrest and service records. Shall I go on?

What? Yeah, sure, go on. If they’re as lame as these, we can all share a laugh.

Oh, and I didn’t see alot of people on the right defending the comments of Rick Sanchez of CNN. He said, correctly, that Jews “control” the networks (or something very similar).

Rick Sanchez is an idiot and made defamatory statements even he admitted. If people didn’t line up to defend idiocy they can hardly be accused of suppressing the right to speech or supporting institutional barriers and arbitrary authoritarian control over speech like the bill in question does. Sanchez can go write a book.

I’ll overlook your ugly comments about the “Jews.” The antisemitism of the Left is a whole other chapter in its sick history.

I don’t pat myself on the back. But you can take your “we’re equally guilty” charge and eat it. I’m not equally guilty. I’ve gone to the streets for freedom of speech, for Michael Moore and for Pat Robertson. I understand Voltaire’s maxim that mine is tied into yours (something the Left can’t understand simply because it cannot afford to — it cannot survive true “equality”).

The Left wears the blood of millions of deaths from the suppression of freedom, the blood of millions of dissenters who challenged that suppression. It seeks the same suppression now as it has throughout history. In America, its path is legislation. The police state follows.

Your sorry examples don’t come close to addressing the larger issues raised, and the great ideological Leftist drift toward the eclipse of freedom.

The Motorola DEFY has already shown it’s a decent swimmer, and now the Android smartphone has beached at Carphone Warehouse in the UK. As of today, the 3.7-inch handset is available free on new plans at £25 per month or higher.

Your money gets you a 5-megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash, MOTOBLUR and Motorola’s Crystal TALK PLUS DSP.

Press Release:




The Carphone Warehouse makes a big splash into the Android market with the new Motorola DEFY; a slim smartphone built to ‘defy’ the common causes of damage to mobile phones. Dust proof and water resistant, it provides protection from sudden rain showers, spilt drinks, or a sandy beach. The 3.7” high resolution touch screen display is large and resilient, with outstanding protection against scratch damage, resisting keys, pens and coins. This beautiful display also provides edge to edge views of favourite photos, videos and websites. CrystalTalk PLUS diminishes noisy environments with two microphones which filter out background noise and amplifies voice so you don’t have to shout. The smart battery profiles allow you to switch to battery saver mode and get more life out of your phone inbetween charges.

Motorola DEFY is perfect for web-browsing, gaming and movie-watching, due to the speedy processor, advanced browsing capabilities and large screen. The phone is also equipped with MOTOBLUR, which constantly streams all of the user’s texts, emails and social network updates straight to their homescreen, making it easier to manage contacts.

What’s more, DEFY is enabled to stream, store and share content with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible devices around the house, such as HDTVs, PCs and games consoles. This means that music, video and photos are wirelessly transferrable between DLNA devices, making life more streamlined. The 5-megapixel camera with flash, digital zoom and auto focus allows users to capture important occasions. For added entertainment, the Connected Music Player means that users can discover, buy and download their favourite music straight from the phone. Access to 100,000 apps, widgets and games from Android Market further enhances the choice of entertainment available on Motorola DEFY.


Minecraft dev explains sales transparency PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PC news of Minecraft dev explains sales transparency.

New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


Minecraft dev explains sales transparency PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PC news of Minecraft dev explains sales transparency.

New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


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