Saturday, November 27, 2010

Money Making Websites

Jimbo3 on November 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Let’s address your feeble strands.

Secondly, let’s remember the macro issues of ideology and of who values free speech and who vitiates it. The history of the Left is one of hostility to dissent. This is evident through every leftist movement, is plainly observable to any person with an able political consciousness walking the earth, and has been manifested in every Leftist regime in history through their inevitable criminalizations of dissent, from post-Revolution France to Soviet Russia to communist China to Cuba to Venezuela. Do you plan on contesting this?

Rove and Bush/Cheney essentially said that anyone in the US that didn’t support the war with Iraq was unpatriotic and a dangerous fool.

False. Here is what Cheney said:

“The suggestions that’s been made by some U.S. Senators that the President of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city.”

Here is what Bush said:

“It’s irresponsible to use politics. This is serious business making, winning this war, but it’s irresponsible to do what they’ve done.”

But what were “they” doing? They were alleging calculated lies to engage a war — to put US soldiers at risk for political purposes.

Why isn’t it within the president’s rights when accused of lying (directly accused by Howard Dean and Al Gore) to defend himself and his administration from lying? That’s also part of free speech.

He did not attempt to delegimitize the dissenters, but to counter the charges they made.

And even though he said this ONCE, even though he never accused critics of being unpatriotic, he took pains after his deliberately misinterpreted comments to qualify every speech on the war, and every point of exception to the criticism he received, to reaffirm the right of dissent. This rhetorical reaffirmation became a mantra by Bush for the rest of his presidency. Because he believed it. It is not something I’ve ever heard from Barack Obama. I have never heard him make a point to accept the legitimacy of dissent. Because he doesn’t. He doesn’t respect it or appreciate it as fundamental to freedom. He never has.

Furthermore, Bush consistently demonstrated decency in discourse and respect for his opponents, e.g., lavishing praise on Nancy Pelosi when she became House speaker, and refraining during his entire administration of singling out or even making an issue of his numberless slanderers. Bush served eight years under the most withering siege of personal attacks directed at any president in our history, including 78 studio-distributed anti-Bush and anti-war “documentaries” (the greatest flowering of dissent in American history) and also including several feature films calling for his assassination, along with a booming hate-Bush cottage industry on colleges and in the fringe media, but never reduced himself or the presidency to attacks against anybody or against the right of dissent. He never attacked MSNBC or Air America.

Rove played favorites with news reporters and television stations and newspapers, depending on whether he liked what they were writing.

So what?

Bush didn’t allow dissenters to attend many of his rallies when he was running for re-election.

Who does? Has any president in modern times invited hecklers to campaign rallies? This does not signifiy hostility to free speech, just an appreciation a certain campaign orderliness. The fact is, every time Bush addressed the media he was facing “dissenters.” Who among them was ever singled out had their taxes audited? Who among them, like Joe the Plumber, had their personal lives laid open on the op-ed pages of major newspapers just for asking an inconvenient question?

Cheney personally attacked several of his critics.

Name them. How were they “attacked”? But if so, good for him, because most were filthy liars like Joe Wilson and deserved being called out for who they were. That’s called free speech and the marketplace of competing speech. He never tried to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Cheney would not allow access to the records of people he met with to determine his proposed Energy Policies.

Cheney was vindicated on this as appropriate under Executive Privilege (which by the way, Obama has invoked more times now in two years than Bush-Cheney did in 8). Hillary Clinton, let’s remember, was fined $200,000 by Judge Lamberth for NEVER revealing the names from her Healthcare meetings.

Again, none of this has ANYTHING to do with suppressing the right to dissent.

Some of Bush’s early records have disappeared, including some of his arrest and service records. Shall I go on?

What? Yeah, sure, go on. If they’re as lame as these, we can all share a laugh.

Oh, and I didn’t see alot of people on the right defending the comments of Rick Sanchez of CNN. He said, correctly, that Jews “control” the networks (or something very similar).

Rick Sanchez is an idiot and made defamatory statements even he admitted. If people didn’t line up to defend idiocy they can hardly be accused of suppressing the right to speech or supporting institutional barriers and arbitrary authoritarian control over speech like the bill in question does. Sanchez can go write a book.

I’ll overlook your ugly comments about the “Jews.” The antisemitism of the Left is a whole other chapter in its sick history.

I don’t pat myself on the back. But you can take your “we’re equally guilty” charge and eat it. I’m not equally guilty. I’ve gone to the streets for freedom of speech, for Michael Moore and for Pat Robertson. I understand Voltaire’s maxim that mine is tied into yours (something the Left can’t understand simply because it cannot afford to — it cannot survive true “equality”).

The Left wears the blood of millions of deaths from the suppression of freedom, the blood of millions of dissenters who challenged that suppression. It seeks the same suppression now as it has throughout history. In America, its path is legislation. The police state follows.

Your sorry examples don’t come close to addressing the larger issues raised, and the great ideological Leftist drift toward the eclipse of freedom.

The Motorola DEFY has already shown it’s a decent swimmer, and now the Android smartphone has beached at Carphone Warehouse in the UK. As of today, the 3.7-inch handset is available free on new plans at £25 per month or higher.

Your money gets you a 5-megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash, MOTOBLUR and Motorola’s Crystal TALK PLUS DSP.

Press Release:




The Carphone Warehouse makes a big splash into the Android market with the new Motorola DEFY; a slim smartphone built to ‘defy’ the common causes of damage to mobile phones. Dust proof and water resistant, it provides protection from sudden rain showers, spilt drinks, or a sandy beach. The 3.7” high resolution touch screen display is large and resilient, with outstanding protection against scratch damage, resisting keys, pens and coins. This beautiful display also provides edge to edge views of favourite photos, videos and websites. CrystalTalk PLUS diminishes noisy environments with two microphones which filter out background noise and amplifies voice so you don’t have to shout. The smart battery profiles allow you to switch to battery saver mode and get more life out of your phone inbetween charges.

Motorola DEFY is perfect for web-browsing, gaming and movie-watching, due to the speedy processor, advanced browsing capabilities and large screen. The phone is also equipped with MOTOBLUR, which constantly streams all of the user’s texts, emails and social network updates straight to their homescreen, making it easier to manage contacts.

What’s more, DEFY is enabled to stream, store and share content with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible devices around the house, such as HDTVs, PCs and games consoles. This means that music, video and photos are wirelessly transferrable between DLNA devices, making life more streamlined. The 5-megapixel camera with flash, digital zoom and auto focus allows users to capture important occasions. For added entertainment, the Connected Music Player means that users can discover, buy and download their favourite music straight from the phone. Access to 100,000 apps, widgets and games from Android Market further enhances the choice of entertainment available on Motorola DEFY.


Minecraft dev explains sales transparency PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

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Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


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New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


Jimbo3 on November 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Let’s address your feeble strands.

Secondly, let’s remember the macro issues of ideology and of who values free speech and who vitiates it. The history of the Left is one of hostility to dissent. This is evident through every leftist movement, is plainly observable to any person with an able political consciousness walking the earth, and has been manifested in every Leftist regime in history through their inevitable criminalizations of dissent, from post-Revolution France to Soviet Russia to communist China to Cuba to Venezuela. Do you plan on contesting this?

Rove and Bush/Cheney essentially said that anyone in the US that didn’t support the war with Iraq was unpatriotic and a dangerous fool.

False. Here is what Cheney said:

“The suggestions that’s been made by some U.S. Senators that the President of the United States or any member of this administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city.”

Here is what Bush said:

“It’s irresponsible to use politics. This is serious business making, winning this war, but it’s irresponsible to do what they’ve done.”

But what were “they” doing? They were alleging calculated lies to engage a war — to put US soldiers at risk for political purposes.

Why isn’t it within the president’s rights when accused of lying (directly accused by Howard Dean and Al Gore) to defend himself and his administration from lying? That’s also part of free speech.

He did not attempt to delegimitize the dissenters, but to counter the charges they made.

And even though he said this ONCE, even though he never accused critics of being unpatriotic, he took pains after his deliberately misinterpreted comments to qualify every speech on the war, and every point of exception to the criticism he received, to reaffirm the right of dissent. This rhetorical reaffirmation became a mantra by Bush for the rest of his presidency. Because he believed it. It is not something I’ve ever heard from Barack Obama. I have never heard him make a point to accept the legitimacy of dissent. Because he doesn’t. He doesn’t respect it or appreciate it as fundamental to freedom. He never has.

Furthermore, Bush consistently demonstrated decency in discourse and respect for his opponents, e.g., lavishing praise on Nancy Pelosi when she became House speaker, and refraining during his entire administration of singling out or even making an issue of his numberless slanderers. Bush served eight years under the most withering siege of personal attacks directed at any president in our history, including 78 studio-distributed anti-Bush and anti-war “documentaries” (the greatest flowering of dissent in American history) and also including several feature films calling for his assassination, along with a booming hate-Bush cottage industry on colleges and in the fringe media, but never reduced himself or the presidency to attacks against anybody or against the right of dissent. He never attacked MSNBC or Air America.

Rove played favorites with news reporters and television stations and newspapers, depending on whether he liked what they were writing.

So what?

Bush didn’t allow dissenters to attend many of his rallies when he was running for re-election.

Who does? Has any president in modern times invited hecklers to campaign rallies? This does not signifiy hostility to free speech, just an appreciation a certain campaign orderliness. The fact is, every time Bush addressed the media he was facing “dissenters.” Who among them was ever singled out had their taxes audited? Who among them, like Joe the Plumber, had their personal lives laid open on the op-ed pages of major newspapers just for asking an inconvenient question?

Cheney personally attacked several of his critics.

Name them. How were they “attacked”? But if so, good for him, because most were filthy liars like Joe Wilson and deserved being called out for who they were. That’s called free speech and the marketplace of competing speech. He never tried to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Cheney would not allow access to the records of people he met with to determine his proposed Energy Policies.

Cheney was vindicated on this as appropriate under Executive Privilege (which by the way, Obama has invoked more times now in two years than Bush-Cheney did in 8). Hillary Clinton, let’s remember, was fined $200,000 by Judge Lamberth for NEVER revealing the names from her Healthcare meetings.

Again, none of this has ANYTHING to do with suppressing the right to dissent.

Some of Bush’s early records have disappeared, including some of his arrest and service records. Shall I go on?

What? Yeah, sure, go on. If they’re as lame as these, we can all share a laugh.

Oh, and I didn’t see alot of people on the right defending the comments of Rick Sanchez of CNN. He said, correctly, that Jews “control” the networks (or something very similar).

Rick Sanchez is an idiot and made defamatory statements even he admitted. If people didn’t line up to defend idiocy they can hardly be accused of suppressing the right to speech or supporting institutional barriers and arbitrary authoritarian control over speech like the bill in question does. Sanchez can go write a book.

I’ll overlook your ugly comments about the “Jews.” The antisemitism of the Left is a whole other chapter in its sick history.

I don’t pat myself on the back. But you can take your “we’re equally guilty” charge and eat it. I’m not equally guilty. I’ve gone to the streets for freedom of speech, for Michael Moore and for Pat Robertson. I understand Voltaire’s maxim that mine is tied into yours (something the Left can’t understand simply because it cannot afford to — it cannot survive true “equality”).

The Left wears the blood of millions of deaths from the suppression of freedom, the blood of millions of dissenters who challenged that suppression. It seeks the same suppression now as it has throughout history. In America, its path is legislation. The police state follows.

Your sorry examples don’t come close to addressing the larger issues raised, and the great ideological Leftist drift toward the eclipse of freedom.

The Motorola DEFY has already shown it’s a decent swimmer, and now the Android smartphone has beached at Carphone Warehouse in the UK. As of today, the 3.7-inch handset is available free on new plans at £25 per month or higher.

Your money gets you a 5-megapixel autofocus camera with LED flash, MOTOBLUR and Motorola’s Crystal TALK PLUS DSP.

Press Release:




The Carphone Warehouse makes a big splash into the Android market with the new Motorola DEFY; a slim smartphone built to ‘defy’ the common causes of damage to mobile phones. Dust proof and water resistant, it provides protection from sudden rain showers, spilt drinks, or a sandy beach. The 3.7” high resolution touch screen display is large and resilient, with outstanding protection against scratch damage, resisting keys, pens and coins. This beautiful display also provides edge to edge views of favourite photos, videos and websites. CrystalTalk PLUS diminishes noisy environments with two microphones which filter out background noise and amplifies voice so you don’t have to shout. The smart battery profiles allow you to switch to battery saver mode and get more life out of your phone inbetween charges.

Motorola DEFY is perfect for web-browsing, gaming and movie-watching, due to the speedy processor, advanced browsing capabilities and large screen. The phone is also equipped with MOTOBLUR, which constantly streams all of the user’s texts, emails and social network updates straight to their homescreen, making it easier to manage contacts.

What’s more, DEFY is enabled to stream, store and share content with DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible devices around the house, such as HDTVs, PCs and games consoles. This means that music, video and photos are wirelessly transferrable between DLNA devices, making life more streamlined. The 5-megapixel camera with flash, digital zoom and auto focus allows users to capture important occasions. For added entertainment, the Connected Music Player means that users can discover, buy and download their favourite music straight from the phone. Access to 100,000 apps, widgets and games from Android Market further enhances the choice of entertainment available on Motorola DEFY.


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Read our PC news of Minecraft dev explains sales transparency.

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Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


Minecraft dev explains sales transparency PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PC news of Minecraft dev explains sales transparency.

New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our news of New Dragon Age 2 character unveiled.

Sun TV <b>News</b> application approved - Need to know -

Sun TV News has been green-lit by the CRTC after a long war with the regulator and critics who are opposed to the 24-7 news-and-opinion channel nicknamed “Fox News North.” The CRTC had previously refused to grant the Quebecor property a ...


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Making Internet Money

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Make Money Online - Affiliate Marketing by zonecrest

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Make Money Online - Affiliate Marketing by zonecrest

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

Small Business <b>News</b>: Questions For Your Business

Everybody has questions when going into or running a business...everybody. If you have some burning inquiries you'd like to get answered, read our small.

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Photos Implant &#39;Memories&#39; of Fictional <b>News</b> Events | Smart <b>...</b>

Participants in a study were far more likely to “remember” a fictional news event when a headline was accompanied by a tangentially relevant photograph.

EA launching Facebook golf game PC <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PC news of EA launching Facebook golf game.

Sony Russia confirms Mass Effect 3? PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony Russia confirms Mass Effect 3?.

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Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Fox <b>News</b> Commentators Caught On Camera Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Show <b>...</b>

WASHINGTON -- The Fox News channel has been something of a safe haven for Sarah Palin, the type of outlet that provided the former Alaska Governor not only with a friendly audience but similarly kind questions.

One and a Half Cheers for Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog <b>...</b>

Senator Jay Rockefeller made a splash Wednesday by suggesting that the Federal Communications Commission shut down the Fox News Channel and MSNBC. My guess is that he mentioned MSNBC because he wanted to sound equally oppressive of both ...

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Taiwanese <b>News</b> Channel Animates Royal Engagement! |

Royal Wedding Fever has hit Taiwan! Check out their animated (because we wouldn´t want it any other way!) interpretation of Prince William´s engagement to Kate Middleton (above)! Sooo...

Rivet returning to lineup - Sabres Edge - Blogs - The Buffalo <b>News</b>

The Buffalo News updated every day with news from Buffalo, New York. Links to national and business news, entertainment listings, recipes, sports teams, classified ads, death notices.

Sony Russia confirms Mass Effect 3? PlayStation 3 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our PlayStation 3 news of Sony Russia confirms Mass Effect 3?.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Women Making Money

As you all know, that mashed-up bag of gas with pancake make-up on it Keith Olbermann has been “suspended indefinitely” by MSNBC for making and failing to disclose political contributions to three Democrats — including open-borders Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva, whom he hosted on the same day he forked over a donation.

Unlike Fox News (pay attention, Media Matters Soros-bots), NBC ethics guidelines (yes, they do have them) bar their employees from making political contributions. (FNC’s real-world, pro-free speech rules allow donations as long “as long as the activity does not interfere with or impair the performance of the employee’s duties for the Company.”)

Politico got the scoop on Olbermann’s donations to Grijalva, AZ Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and failed Kentucky Democrat Senate candidate Jack Conway by sifting through FEC records.

Bill Kristol is rallying conservatives to support Olbermann.

MSNBC’s suspension of Keith Olbermann is ludicrous. First, he donated money to candidates he liked. He didn’t take money, or favors, in a way that influenced his reporting. Second, he’s not a reporter. It’s an opinion show. If Olbermann wants to put his money where his mouth is, more power to him.Republicans of the world, show you believe in the free expression of opinion! Tell the crony corporatists at NBC—keep Keith!

Pardon my MSNBC-like incivility, but are you freaking kidding me? Hoping Kristol’s tongue is firmly planted in cheek, but plenty of people are taking him seriously.

Olbermann railed against FNC in August for its corporate donations while whitewashing NBC/GE’s:

On the August 17 edition of ‘Countdown,’ host Keith Olbermann used the donations to do the only thing he’s capable of doing: criticizing Fox News.

“We now have another million reasons why Fox News is the Republican news channel, correct?” Olbermann asked Media Matters president Eric Burns.

Olbermann said that GE, MSNBC’s parent company, donated an equal amount of money to both the DGA and RGA. He didn’t mention, however, that according to, in 2008, 100 percent of MSNBC Cable’s donations went to Democrats and 99 percent of NBC’s donations went to Democrats.

Additionally, so far in 2010, 100 percent of ABC News’s donations have gone to Democrats and CBS Corporation’s PAC has contributed $51,000 to Democrats in 2010.

The Media Research Center previously noted News Corp.’s donations favored Democrats and that other outlets critical of the donation, such as Viacom’s Comedy Central, have all given substantial money to Democrats, yet there is no outrage over their political contributions.

Olbermann’s sanctimony and hypocrisy only compound his core failure to disclose the donations before Election Day — especially during the show in which he hosted one of the beneficiaries of that cash.

Here is the full transcript of the Olbermann/Grijalva interview on Oct. 28, the day Olbermann donated the maximum to Grijalva’s re-election bid:

Title: MSNBC “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” – Transcript

Date: 10/28/2010



REP. RAUL GRIJALVA (D), ARIZONA: Good to talk to you, my friend.

OLBERMANN: Is there anything you can tell us about the relationship between these private prisons and the lawmakers who supported this monstrosity of a bill?

GRIJELVA: It is a wonderful I told you so moment. But, at the same time, we”ve been battered for the six months for our opposition to 1070, not just myself but others. And we don”t know how much they”ve contributed to these independent expenditure campaigns, the private prison industry.

But you used the word citizens. It”s disgusting, cynical and disgusting that they were bragging about there”s going to be more women and children detained, so therefore this is a market for us.

And the fact of the matter is Russell Pearce and Jan Brewer made a decision to put this law in effect. It had had nothing to do with border security. It had nothing to do with the security of the state. It had to do with the profit line.

And, you know, I”m glad that NPR did this. I”m glad “In These Times” did that. Finally, it”s catching some attention. But it comes at the end of a campaign when many of us have been battered for six months because of our opposition to 1070.

It is–you used the word cynical. It is past cynical. It is using

a very tough situation in the state of Arizona when it comes to immigration

using it to make a profit and using people, when we should be talking about how you we”re going to reform this law. It”s unbelievable.

OLBERMANN: It”s almost extraordinary to believe that once we got past the original phony reason for it, which was security at the border, when obviously it didn”t pertain to that whatsoever, that the real reason behind that was well, this is to intimidate people of Hispanic descent. Well, it turns out there”s an even more base, cynical reason behind it.

Am I wrong about this? When they talk about making money, it”s not–they”re not talking about people who are going to be in jail because they”ve been convicted of anything. This would be making money off people who are held and then found to have violated no laws, correct? They make money whether something”s guilty or innocent, correct?

GRIJALVA: It”s filling beds and spaces, period. It”s about detention. It”s about building private prisons, filling them, taking a profit from the federal government, and with that profit continuing to expand the bottom line. The advisers for Jan Brewer are part of this. The people that wrote the law for Russell Pearce of part of this. They”re all going to make millions of dollars off of this.

What expense? The division in Arizona, the division across this country. They get to go blithely walk away with their money, leaving behind the kind of social mess they”ve left all over this country. It is for me one of the most corrupt political acts. Because you use people. You use the emotions involved and you make a profit.

OLBERMANN: I can”t insure your house for fire, because legally that would give me a motivation for wanting to see your house catch fire. I mean, the idea of private prisons–suddenly, we see the flaw in that idea, too, that if they”re private prisons run for profit, there”s going to be a motive to put people in prison who don”t belong there.

GRIJALVA: That and the private prison industry here in Arizona has a wonderful test case. Murderers escaped from a private public. They haven”t escaped from a public prison. That”s Jan Brewer”s agenda. That is the extreme right”s agenda here.

I think–I hope people–I think people in Arizona are now seeing through the cloud and realizing that this is not just about immigration. This is not just about border security. There”s an insidious reason we”re involved in this really tough, tough issue. That is that somebody is making money off of it.

OLBERMANN: Lastly, any idea why the governor is going to San Francisco?

GRIJALVA: Well, she hasn”t debated. She wants to avoid the questions that are pressing about her relationship to this private prison industry and why they wrote the law. The people on her staff that are running her campaign and her chief of staff, I”m assuming that she wants to avoid those questions.

OLBERMANN: Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona, it”s always a pleasure and an education. I”m sorry it”s always about something like this. Thanks for your time.

GRIJALVA: Thank you.

Olby’s defenders say it’s wrong to punish opinion journalists for supporting candidates and causes.


1) MSNBC has always promoted and allowed Olbermann to preen as an award-winning journalist and broadcaster of Edward R. Murrow’s caliber — above the fray and superior to the rest of us in the print/broadcast media who are open and honest about our political and ideological biases.

2) Whatever NBC’s guidelines may be, it was the basic journalistic failure of the Murrow wanna-be to disclose the donation on the night he hosted one of his cash recipients that seals his fate and undermines whatever iota of credibility his station has left.

Good night and good riddance.


Flashback 2007:

HOW many times over the years have we seen mainstream media elites get on their high horse about their unbending commitment to objectivity?

Wear ribbons after the 9/11 attacks? Heavens, no, the news poobahs swooned. Stacey Woelfel, news director at KOMU-TV in Columbia, Mo., directed his staff to “leave the ribbons at home” to show viewers “that in no way are we influenced by the government in informing the public.”

Display the flag during wartime? Heavens, no, cried the dinosaur networks. ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider told The Washington Post: “Especially in a time of national crisis, the most patriotic thing journalists can do is to remain as objective as possible . . . We cannot signal how we feel about a cause, even a justified and just cause, through some sort of outward symbol.”

And dole out political cash while on the job? Heavens, n-oh, wait a minute. That unbending commitment to neutrality is really nothing but a Wetzel’s pretzel.

Despite all the past protestations about the need to avoid outward signs of partiality, we now learn that journalists in America’s top newsrooms overwhelmingly donate to Democrat causes and candidates (shocker!) – and that they’ve been giving despite clear prohibitions and conflicts of interest.’s Bill Dedman found 144 journalists who’d made political donations to candidates, parties and causes from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign. Nine out of 10 – 125 in total – gave to Democrats and liberal groups; only 17 gave to Republicans, while two gave to both parties. The donors include war correspondents who gave while embedded or on the war beat, The New York Times’ ethics columnist and several news anchors who crusaded and signed petitions against the war.

Adding insult to self-injury, every single one of these donors – who work in an industry that crusades for openness, disclosure, and transparency – failed to inform their viewers, readers and bosses of their political activities.

So much for “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”


Flashback: Rejoice: Voters eject MSNBC host-to-be Alan Grayson in Fla.

Flashback: The old “coconut” smear: Another MSNBC white liberal bigmouth with race issues

Flashback: MSNBC’s Larry “O’Scary” O’Donnell melts down again

Flashback: White liberal MSNBC TV host can’t stop talking about president’s skin color

Flashback: MSNBC Clown who called me “big mashed up bag of meat with lipstick” says Scott Brown hates women

Flashback: The indelible whiteness of MSNBC

Related: MSNBC’s on-air political fundraising.


Ok, poll time:

"Money is like sex," Kelly Conway, a wispy blonde in a pearl necklace, told a crowd of middle-aged couples at the New York Yacht Club last week. "Women are uncomfortable talking about it. But we have to."

The audience tittered. They had assembled under the glaring portraits of old white men to hear the results of a study titled, "What Women Want: Understanding the Modern Female Investor." Conway, a part-time Fox News talking head whose polling company conducted the research along with money manager Catherine Avery, went on to discuss its less-than-shocking revelations: Most women don't know much about investing, they want safe investments, and they prefer to work with smaller money managers who understand their needs and "don't make them feel stupid."

Then it was Avery's turn. "Why should we care what women want?" she asked. "Women are fast approaching to be the most affluent demographic in the United States, out-surpassing men."

"Booooo!" an older man in the audience shouted. The audience laughed awkwardly. Avery looked startled, then recovered. "I want to thank the men in the room tonight," she continued. "Understanding and being aware of the issues that women face is important, not just for your spouse or significant other but also for the next generation." In the audience, Avery's life coach gestured for her to speak up. "The fact is," she said, more loudly, "most men don't outlive their money. Eighty percent of women will be widowed. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce." The room got quiet. "And yet only 10 percent of women are concerned about making financial decisions when they find themselves suddenly single. It's very important that women think about learning to control their money before they are actually faced with these inevitable issues."

Afterward, attendees picked up copies of the study along with promotional notebooks. "These are cute," one woman said to her friend, flipping through the rainbow-colored pages. Someone asked where the guy who booed had gone. "I think he might have jumped off the roof," she said.

bench craft company rip off

business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

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Yes Man by jef cris

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Perseid Meteor Night Shoot 2008 • Milky-way with Star Trails by victorvonsalza

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bench craft company rip off

GOLF ... !! by BaLLYoOo

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Horse eye by doug88888

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sunrise. mojave phone booth. 2000. by eyetwist

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Fake window by Christine Lebrasseur

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As you all know, that mashed-up bag of gas with pancake make-up on it Keith Olbermann has been “suspended indefinitely” by MSNBC for making and failing to disclose political contributions to three Democrats — including open-borders Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva, whom he hosted on the same day he forked over a donation.

Unlike Fox News (pay attention, Media Matters Soros-bots), NBC ethics guidelines (yes, they do have them) bar their employees from making political contributions. (FNC’s real-world, pro-free speech rules allow donations as long “as long as the activity does not interfere with or impair the performance of the employee’s duties for the Company.”)

Politico got the scoop on Olbermann’s donations to Grijalva, AZ Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and failed Kentucky Democrat Senate candidate Jack Conway by sifting through FEC records.

Bill Kristol is rallying conservatives to support Olbermann.

MSNBC’s suspension of Keith Olbermann is ludicrous. First, he donated money to candidates he liked. He didn’t take money, or favors, in a way that influenced his reporting. Second, he’s not a reporter. It’s an opinion show. If Olbermann wants to put his money where his mouth is, more power to him.Republicans of the world, show you believe in the free expression of opinion! Tell the crony corporatists at NBC—keep Keith!

Pardon my MSNBC-like incivility, but are you freaking kidding me? Hoping Kristol’s tongue is firmly planted in cheek, but plenty of people are taking him seriously.

Olbermann railed against FNC in August for its corporate donations while whitewashing NBC/GE’s:

On the August 17 edition of ‘Countdown,’ host Keith Olbermann used the donations to do the only thing he’s capable of doing: criticizing Fox News.

“We now have another million reasons why Fox News is the Republican news channel, correct?” Olbermann asked Media Matters president Eric Burns.

Olbermann said that GE, MSNBC’s parent company, donated an equal amount of money to both the DGA and RGA. He didn’t mention, however, that according to, in 2008, 100 percent of MSNBC Cable’s donations went to Democrats and 99 percent of NBC’s donations went to Democrats.

Additionally, so far in 2010, 100 percent of ABC News’s donations have gone to Democrats and CBS Corporation’s PAC has contributed $51,000 to Democrats in 2010.

The Media Research Center previously noted News Corp.’s donations favored Democrats and that other outlets critical of the donation, such as Viacom’s Comedy Central, have all given substantial money to Democrats, yet there is no outrage over their political contributions.

Olbermann’s sanctimony and hypocrisy only compound his core failure to disclose the donations before Election Day — especially during the show in which he hosted one of the beneficiaries of that cash.

Here is the full transcript of the Olbermann/Grijalva interview on Oct. 28, the day Olbermann donated the maximum to Grijalva’s re-election bid:

Title: MSNBC “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” – Transcript

Date: 10/28/2010



REP. RAUL GRIJALVA (D), ARIZONA: Good to talk to you, my friend.

OLBERMANN: Is there anything you can tell us about the relationship between these private prisons and the lawmakers who supported this monstrosity of a bill?

GRIJELVA: It is a wonderful I told you so moment. But, at the same time, we”ve been battered for the six months for our opposition to 1070, not just myself but others. And we don”t know how much they”ve contributed to these independent expenditure campaigns, the private prison industry.

But you used the word citizens. It”s disgusting, cynical and disgusting that they were bragging about there”s going to be more women and children detained, so therefore this is a market for us.

And the fact of the matter is Russell Pearce and Jan Brewer made a decision to put this law in effect. It had had nothing to do with border security. It had nothing to do with the security of the state. It had to do with the profit line.

And, you know, I”m glad that NPR did this. I”m glad “In These Times” did that. Finally, it”s catching some attention. But it comes at the end of a campaign when many of us have been battered for six months because of our opposition to 1070.

It is–you used the word cynical. It is past cynical. It is using

a very tough situation in the state of Arizona when it comes to immigration

using it to make a profit and using people, when we should be talking about how you we”re going to reform this law. It”s unbelievable.

OLBERMANN: It”s almost extraordinary to believe that once we got past the original phony reason for it, which was security at the border, when obviously it didn”t pertain to that whatsoever, that the real reason behind that was well, this is to intimidate people of Hispanic descent. Well, it turns out there”s an even more base, cynical reason behind it.

Am I wrong about this? When they talk about making money, it”s not–they”re not talking about people who are going to be in jail because they”ve been convicted of anything. This would be making money off people who are held and then found to have violated no laws, correct? They make money whether something”s guilty or innocent, correct?

GRIJALVA: It”s filling beds and spaces, period. It”s about detention. It”s about building private prisons, filling them, taking a profit from the federal government, and with that profit continuing to expand the bottom line. The advisers for Jan Brewer are part of this. The people that wrote the law for Russell Pearce of part of this. They”re all going to make millions of dollars off of this.

What expense? The division in Arizona, the division across this country. They get to go blithely walk away with their money, leaving behind the kind of social mess they”ve left all over this country. It is for me one of the most corrupt political acts. Because you use people. You use the emotions involved and you make a profit.

OLBERMANN: I can”t insure your house for fire, because legally that would give me a motivation for wanting to see your house catch fire. I mean, the idea of private prisons–suddenly, we see the flaw in that idea, too, that if they”re private prisons run for profit, there”s going to be a motive to put people in prison who don”t belong there.

GRIJALVA: That and the private prison industry here in Arizona has a wonderful test case. Murderers escaped from a private public. They haven”t escaped from a public prison. That”s Jan Brewer”s agenda. That is the extreme right”s agenda here.

I think–I hope people–I think people in Arizona are now seeing through the cloud and realizing that this is not just about immigration. This is not just about border security. There”s an insidious reason we”re involved in this really tough, tough issue. That is that somebody is making money off of it.

OLBERMANN: Lastly, any idea why the governor is going to San Francisco?

GRIJALVA: Well, she hasn”t debated. She wants to avoid the questions that are pressing about her relationship to this private prison industry and why they wrote the law. The people on her staff that are running her campaign and her chief of staff, I”m assuming that she wants to avoid those questions.

OLBERMANN: Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona, it”s always a pleasure and an education. I”m sorry it”s always about something like this. Thanks for your time.

GRIJALVA: Thank you.

Olby’s defenders say it’s wrong to punish opinion journalists for supporting candidates and causes.


1) MSNBC has always promoted and allowed Olbermann to preen as an award-winning journalist and broadcaster of Edward R. Murrow’s caliber — above the fray and superior to the rest of us in the print/broadcast media who are open and honest about our political and ideological biases.

2) Whatever NBC’s guidelines may be, it was the basic journalistic failure of the Murrow wanna-be to disclose the donation on the night he hosted one of his cash recipients that seals his fate and undermines whatever iota of credibility his station has left.

Good night and good riddance.


Flashback 2007:

HOW many times over the years have we seen mainstream media elites get on their high horse about their unbending commitment to objectivity?

Wear ribbons after the 9/11 attacks? Heavens, no, the news poobahs swooned. Stacey Woelfel, news director at KOMU-TV in Columbia, Mo., directed his staff to “leave the ribbons at home” to show viewers “that in no way are we influenced by the government in informing the public.”

Display the flag during wartime? Heavens, no, cried the dinosaur networks. ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider told The Washington Post: “Especially in a time of national crisis, the most patriotic thing journalists can do is to remain as objective as possible . . . We cannot signal how we feel about a cause, even a justified and just cause, through some sort of outward symbol.”

And dole out political cash while on the job? Heavens, n-oh, wait a minute. That unbending commitment to neutrality is really nothing but a Wetzel’s pretzel.

Despite all the past protestations about the need to avoid outward signs of partiality, we now learn that journalists in America’s top newsrooms overwhelmingly donate to Democrat causes and candidates (shocker!) – and that they’ve been giving despite clear prohibitions and conflicts of interest.’s Bill Dedman found 144 journalists who’d made political donations to candidates, parties and causes from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign. Nine out of 10 – 125 in total – gave to Democrats and liberal groups; only 17 gave to Republicans, while two gave to both parties. The donors include war correspondents who gave while embedded or on the war beat, The New York Times’ ethics columnist and several news anchors who crusaded and signed petitions against the war.

Adding insult to self-injury, every single one of these donors – who work in an industry that crusades for openness, disclosure, and transparency – failed to inform their viewers, readers and bosses of their political activities.

So much for “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”


Flashback: Rejoice: Voters eject MSNBC host-to-be Alan Grayson in Fla.

Flashback: The old “coconut” smear: Another MSNBC white liberal bigmouth with race issues

Flashback: MSNBC’s Larry “O’Scary” O’Donnell melts down again

Flashback: White liberal MSNBC TV host can’t stop talking about president’s skin color

Flashback: MSNBC Clown who called me “big mashed up bag of meat with lipstick” says Scott Brown hates women

Flashback: The indelible whiteness of MSNBC

Related: MSNBC’s on-air political fundraising.


Ok, poll time:

"Money is like sex," Kelly Conway, a wispy blonde in a pearl necklace, told a crowd of middle-aged couples at the New York Yacht Club last week. "Women are uncomfortable talking about it. But we have to."

The audience tittered. They had assembled under the glaring portraits of old white men to hear the results of a study titled, "What Women Want: Understanding the Modern Female Investor." Conway, a part-time Fox News talking head whose polling company conducted the research along with money manager Catherine Avery, went on to discuss its less-than-shocking revelations: Most women don't know much about investing, they want safe investments, and they prefer to work with smaller money managers who understand their needs and "don't make them feel stupid."

Then it was Avery's turn. "Why should we care what women want?" she asked. "Women are fast approaching to be the most affluent demographic in the United States, out-surpassing men."

"Booooo!" an older man in the audience shouted. The audience laughed awkwardly. Avery looked startled, then recovered. "I want to thank the men in the room tonight," she continued. "Understanding and being aware of the issues that women face is important, not just for your spouse or significant other but also for the next generation." In the audience, Avery's life coach gestured for her to speak up. "The fact is," she said, more loudly, "most men don't outlive their money. Eighty percent of women will be widowed. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce." The room got quiet. "And yet only 10 percent of women are concerned about making financial decisions when they find themselves suddenly single. It's very important that women think about learning to control their money before they are actually faced with these inevitable issues."

Afterward, attendees picked up copies of the study along with promotional notebooks. "These are cute," one woman said to her friend, flipping through the rainbow-colored pages. Someone asked where the guy who booed had gone. "I think he might have jumped off the roof," she said.

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More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

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The Fox News Watch crew better learn to watch when the camera is rolling from now on, because they might soon feel the wrath of the Mama Grizzly. Nevermind that Sarah Palin is their Fox News co-worker and a likely contender for the ...

Fox <b>News</b> Anchors Caught Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Reality Show | Movieline For the funniest & most entertaining news, reviews and interviews by leading industry insiders on movies, tv shows and dvds.

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Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox <b>News</b> and MSNBC « Hot Air

You see, Rockefeller says he hungers for quality news and believes that the FCC should play a part in facilitating that end. He believes that without the extremes of Fox News and MSNBC, the American people would have more faith in their ...

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business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

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More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

Sarah Palin on Fox <b>News</b> Watch | Palin Attacked On Fox <b>News</b> | Video <b>...</b>

The Fox News Watch crew better learn to watch when the camera is rolling from now on, because they might soon feel the wrath of the Mama Grizzly. Nevermind that Sarah Palin is their Fox News co-worker and a likely contender for the ...

Fox <b>News</b> Anchors Caught Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Reality Show | Movieline For the funniest & most entertaining news, reviews and interviews by leading industry insiders on movies, tv shows and dvds.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

bench craft company rip off

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox <b>News</b> and MSNBC « Hot Air

You see, Rockefeller says he hungers for quality news and believes that the FCC should play a part in facilitating that end. He believes that without the extremes of Fox News and MSNBC, the American people would have more faith in their ...

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 19 <b>...</b>

Investors and traders in China's main financial district are talking about the following before the start of trade today: The State Information Center projects that China's fourth-quarter consumer price index will increase by 3.8%, ...

bench craft company rip off

Fox <b>News</b> Commentators Caught On Camera Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Show <b>...</b>

WASHINGTON -- The Fox News channel has been something of a safe haven for Sarah Palin, the type of outlet that provided the former Alaska Governor not only with a friendly audience but similarly kind questions.

Taiwanese <b>News</b> Channel Animates Royal Engagement! |

Royal Wedding Fever has hit Taiwan! Check out their animated (because we wouldn´t want it any other way!) interpretation of Prince William´s engagement to Kate Middleton (above)! Sooo...

Fox <b>News</b> Decoded - Swampland -

What do you do to amp ratings after you've won a big victory at the polls and the public has wandered off to start celebrating the holidays? At Fox News, the answer is obvious: you up the ante.

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

bench craft company rip off
bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

More on Fox <b>News</b>, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics <b>...</b>

I had had hopes for the Fox News Channel as an advocate of smaller government, hopes somewhat justified by evidence. But their treatment of Ron Paul has been off the charts. Chris Wallace has been absolutely vicious - at one point, ...

<b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Two Newspaper Tablet Projects are Back on Track

After stories that Rupert Murdoch had binned his adventurous newspaper app project, his son James has said Project Alesia is going ahead, whether other newspapers want their content aggregated or not.

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

bench craft company rip off

Sarah Palin on Fox <b>News</b> Watch | Palin Attacked On Fox <b>News</b> | Video <b>...</b>

The Fox News Watch crew better learn to watch when the camera is rolling from now on, because they might soon feel the wrath of the Mama Grizzly. Nevermind that Sarah Palin is their Fox News co-worker and a likely contender for the ...

Fox <b>News</b> Anchors Caught Mocking Sarah Palin&#39;s Reality Show | Movieline For the funniest & most entertaining news, reviews and interviews by leading industry insiders on movies, tv shows and dvds.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Roger Ailes Apologizes for Calling NPR Execs Nazis <b>...</b>

Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, publicly apologized on Thursday for comparing NPR executives to Nazis.

bench craft company rip off

Great <b>News</b>: The Donald May Agree to be President « Hot Air

During a longer video with Fox News (video) The Donald goes into more detail about how the world has lost respect for America under the Obama administration, as well as the need for his type of “finesse” to be a truly effective ...

Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox <b>News</b> and MSNBC « Hot Air

You see, Rockefeller says he hungers for quality news and believes that the FCC should play a part in facilitating that end. He believes that without the extremes of Fox News and MSNBC, the American people would have more faith in their ...

Lujiazui Breakfast: <b>News</b> And Views About China Stocks (Nov. 19 <b>...</b>

Investors and traders in China's main financial district are talking about the following before the start of trade today: The State Information Center projects that China's fourth-quarter consumer price index will increase by 3.8%, ...

bench craft company rip off

business_woman_make_money by workandpersonal

bench craft company rip off